Friday, March 14, 2014

My New Look

This week we were to revise and review our Distance Learning Medium.  While I was in the revising mode I decided to also revise my learning hub.  So welcome to my new learning hub Technology For The Veteran Teacher .  As you will discover I have tried to reach those people who may have much classroom experience and little digital experience.

Included on the second page under Digital Tools and Texts is my revised demonstration using
Screencast-o-Matic to pull a specific report on our district data site.  You can also find this demo folded into the Digital Tools and Texts Repository here .

The process of revision is so important.  As I learn more I want to include more in my online identity and resources.  I am realizing that it is also a domino effect in that one revision may lead to another and to another.  I also am becoming familiar with how to utilize the revision history features on Google sites.  The other reflection of importance to me is that for some reason I have felt that projects need to be "perfect" before I share them.  I realize that if I let go of that concept and invite feedback than my opportunities to improve will be greater.  So feel free to view, critique, and share your feedback on my journey to digital literacy.

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