Google Tools for Collaborative Inquiry and Professional Development
A Unit of Study
Joan Robinson - October 2013
The goal of this unit is to teach teachers how to set up an infrastructure to share instructional resources, processes, content, technological tools and collaborative online spaces.
The unit is primarily skill based and is intended to be taught over an 8 week period with teachers meeting once a week for 45 minute. There will be a brief mini lesson and then teachers will have a week to practice or “play” with the new skill learned over the week.
Assessment will take place on the last class when participants share “lessons learned”.
Lesson Topics/Goals
- Setting up individual google accounts
- Creating a Google Circle, posting and sharing in a Google Circle
- Sharing through Google Hangouts
- Google files - documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms, drawings
- Providing feedback on shared Google docs, written and verbal -using Kaizena
- Google Groups
- Ground rules/ethics of internet collaboration
- Sharing lessons learned -demonstration of lessons learned - plans for how to utilize skills gained
Hi Joan, this looks like a great unit. I think/hope we'll be able to fold all of this into the larger set of tutorials on the Texts and Tools collaborative site that we're building. Keep up the good work!!!