Sunday, October 13, 2013

Conversation, Discussion, and Presentation...What Are They and How Do They Play Out for Me Professionally? EDU 718 # 6 Reflection

1.   Conversation, discussion, presentation.    What are they and how do they appear in your professional life?    If you were to diagram the power relationships in each of them,  what would the diagrams look like?     Which are technology-enhanced and which technology impeded?   Is there anything about the current status and role of these in your present professional situation that you would like to change?

  1. 1.
    the informal exchange of ideas by spoken words.
    "the two men were deep in conversation"
  1. dis·cus·sion
    1. 1.
      the action or process of talking about something, typically in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.
      "the proposals are not a blueprint but ideas for discussion"



 noun \ˌprē-ˌzen-ˈtā-shən, ˌpre-zən-, ˌprē-zən-\
: an activity in which someone shows, describes, or explains something to a group of people
: the way in which something is arranged, designed, etc. : the way in which something is presented
: the act of giving something to someone in a formal way or in a ceremony

There are the definitions.
Now how do they appear in my professional life?  I have informal conversations all day, most of the day, with all members of my school community.  They are often "light", sometimes silly, and the basis of my relationships with people at work.

Discussions happen at grade level meetings, leadership meetings, and instructional coach meetings where we are working together to solve problems or create plans.

Presentations are often something I do when the principal or math supervisor wants me to explain something to a group of teachers or parents.  They tend to be more formal and are often a one way line of communication.

This illustration diagrams the power relationship between the three ideas.

I would say that technology can often interfere with face to face conversations.  As Turkle mentions in Chapter 8 there have been numerous times when someone will interrupt our conversation to pay attention to their "device" as it vibrates.  I find that rude and inappropriate.

Technology can enhance discussions.  I have a number of discussions via e-mail daily.  Presentations that I do are almost always technologically enhanced.

As I read chapters 6,7 and 8 there were several points which I feel are worth quoting because they rang true to me and they are:

  • "Does continual connectivity produce more productivity and memory?" I don't think so, I think like any part of the body, the more you exercise it the stronger it gets.  The more we rely on devices to remember for us the less we exercise our memories.
  • "Virtual places offer connection with uncertain claims to commitment."  This is scary to me!
  • "We see others as objects to be accessed."  Too much is expected to happen to fast.  People are losing the ability to wait for a response.

I am curious to go on to Second Life to learn what this site is about.  I began to sign up and was stopped because the activation email did not go to my in box.  When I read more the site stated that perhaps the activation email was in my quarantine box decided to do it at a later time.

As I read these chapters I thought of the Ted Talk given by Pernille Tranberg  Fake It - to control your digital identity: Pernille Tranberg at TEDxOxford.  In this talk she refers to her desire to create separate online identities for different parts of her life.  Here personal and professional online identities are completely different.  Something about having to create different identities of myself is unsettling.

I believe that I try to be who I am as one person.  I am the same personally and professionally.  I do not think I would change much in my current professional situation.  I have worked hard to gain the respect of my colleagues and I am grateful to have relationships where there is not much "power play".

 Feedback For Suzanne Murphy EDU 718 -  What are your thoughts and suggestions?

I most appreciate the rubric feedback with specific references to my work and the "comments " on our google docs that we submit because they are immediate and specific. I would keep your feedback as it is.

Reflection On The Medium I choose

I chose to write in my blog for this response because for some reason I feel more relaxed and less formal when I am writing in my blog as opposed to a google doc. I have been sick all week and needed to write in small chunks of time to conserve my energy. The editing feature of the blog gave me that affordance.


  1. Interesting point about writing on the blog as opposed to Google Docs. I hadn't thought of that but I think I've felt the same way. Hope you're feeling better!

  2. Thanks Tim for your is much appreciated. Feeling better a little each day.

  3. I second the wishes that you feel better soon. So is a blog more like a conversation and google docs more like a discussion?

  4. Perhaps the blog is more like a conversation and google doc is more like a discussion. That is a good point! I am grateful for the editing feature in blogspot. I can tell how ill I was the night I submitted mu entry because it had several typos which I was able to correct. Thank you for mentioning them Susanne.
