Sunday, September 8, 2013

What does my dream web site entail? EDU 720

This week I worked on drawing a picture with the Google drawing tool to show what I am thinking about as I dream about creating my own digital learning hub.  This is definitely a picture that will change over time and incorporates lofty goals.  I am a firm believer in dreaming big!  Here is what I have come up with so far...

To Be Continued

After I spend some more time exploring design options for web sites I may refine this or change some categories.  I look forward to this endeavor.


1 comment:

  1. What a great graphic. I love the interconnected nature of how you've developed this resource. Much of your thinking is solely focused on the student experience and how they'll interact with your materials. I also love how the footnote indicates "to be continued"...awesome. :)
