Thursday, December 26, 2013

Teachers Over Fifty and Technology

It has been 8 days since I last posted to my blog and I feel as though I am getting back in touch with an old friend! I have been on the road visiting family and friends on this wonderful holiday as well as recuperating from a respiratory infection. Over the course of this past week I have been  pondering about how my "Digital Learning Hub"  might begin to focus in on a more specific audience. After reading 5 People To Consider For Your Blog Audience I have been thinking about people I personally know who would love to more fully utilize technology in their classroom but do not know where or how to start. Often, but not always, these people are teachers, like myself, over the age of fifty.

 As I become more and more excited about the work I am currently doing in the Instructional Technology & Digital Media Literacy program at the University of New Haven I am thinking about how I might be able to pay it forward and assist other teachers who want to become more "digitally literate". Over the next week I will continue to process how I might revise, change, edit, or embellish my web site, Teach With Tech 2 .

1 comment:

  1. This will be one of the chief questions that we have in Distance Learning - How do we think about and design for individual, diverse learners.
