Saturday, August 10, 2013

Joni's Homemade PESTO PERFECT-O Networked Learning Project

Joni's Homemade PESTO PERFECT-O

My goal was to learn how to make a delicious pesto recipe.  I wanted to do all my learning from the internet and document the process as well as reflect on how this process can be utilized in my teaching profession.
After conducting an internet history search of pesto I made a short video explaining the origin of the name of the recipe "pesto" (see my blog post from 7.27.13) .  I discovered that the word "pesto" comes from the Italian/Latin  word for "pistillum" meant to batter or pound as in pistil and mortar, the kitchen vessels used to grind herbs and spices. Next I viewed several online pesto recipes.

Internet Recipe Search
I discovered that there are 3 key ingredients to pesto over it's history.  These key ingredients are basil, olive oil, and garlic. Most recipes also call for some type of cheese such as Parmesan, or Romano and some type of nut such as pine nuts, walnuts or even cashews.

I watched many You Tube videos and discovered that there is a variety of tools to use for combining the ingredients.  One can use the traditional mortar and pistil or a modern day food processor or blender.  The order in which the ingredients are added to the recipe will vary as well.  I learned that people often freeze pesto in an ice cube tray and then pop them out and store in a zip lock bag for later use.

I also began to notice the design elements of the You Tube videos as I was watching them.  Some moved very slowly, some were too long, some used still shots and music in different ways.  I noticed these elements so that I could create my video in an appealing fashion.  I planned my original recipe based on all that I learned and asked my daughter to help with the video taping.  I spent a great deal of time learning how to upload and edit video clips from my I pad to my PC and the Chromebook.  After attempts with Windows Movie maker and QuickTime I tried Stupeflix.  I learned that there were problems crossing over from PC to I Pad to Chromebook and pulling pictures from my Drop box account so I made my final video with
 i Movie.  I utilized You Tube and many internet articles to learn how to use each of the above mentioned video applications.   I was finally most comfortable working with i Movie on my I pad.

  • Here is my final video...

As I reflect on my learning via the internet I realize that I love to create visual/musical pieces as a teaching device.  I think there is an initial investment of time needed to learn about the various apps and programs used for video editing and creation.  Once I find an application that I like and that works across all my devices I will become more proficient in publishing higher quality pieces.  I see my work on this project as having direct implications for my teaching of mathematics to both children and adults.  I also see the possibility of using what I have learned to create videos which help teachers reflect on their own teaching style.  As a staff developer the possibilities are endless in using networked based inquiry to inform and develop the art of teaching.  I hope to conduct a before or after school program where students can teach each other by creating and publishing videos.  The thought of video publishing is very exciting to me both professionally and personally.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job. I especially love the video. You have quite the stage presence. Great job!!!
