Friday, June 6, 2014


Image by: whatcomteaparty

This evening my colleagues and I had a wonderful sharing on a Google + Hangout.  The format for our dialogue was entitled "Soapbox"
and here is the instructor's description:

 ASSIGNMENT: To do this, you will select a topic from ideas that we have not deeply considered and have not been chosen for project topics. A suggested list is below.
You will have 8 minutes to get on your soapbox and inform, orate, philosophize, advise, etc. on your topic based on the current state of the art, data, and research. The audience will then have up to 4 minutes to respond, question, analyze, etc. Feel free to support and augment your soapbox with relevant resources and technology.
ASSESSMENT: Two people will peer-review each presenter using the rubric below.
(Assignment and rubric developed by Laura Greenstein Ed.D)

The two hours whizzed by as we listened to each other discuss such topics as:

What teachers need to know about technology?
Too young for technology?
If students have the answers, what are the questions?
Something surprising about CCSS resources
Assessing MOOCS
Assessing ISTE/NETS Standards
The future of teaching, learning, and assessing with technology

The soapbox format enabled all participants speak with conviction and passion. I gained more insight into the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards for coaches. I gained some great tips for early learners in respect to technology. I learned that STEAM is STEM with the Arts added. One colleague shared some great strategies and data about teachers and the types of questions we ask are they open questions or closed questions. A library/media specialist shared 10 things teachers should know about technology. We had some informative discussion around Common Core curriculum, Massive Online Open Courses and the future of teaching, learning and assessing in the future and the need to give teachers time to process and align standards, curriculum and assessments.

The beauty of this assignment is that we shared multiple perspectives. We also shared the results of our investigations so this project resulted in a collaborative effort where we can all benefit from the work of each other. 

1 comment:

  1. Your reflection ties together collaboration, new learning, and research supported perspectives in one engaging activity. That's a great explanation of the event. Thanks for your contribution.
