Sunday, February 23, 2014

Edu 722 Online Collaborative Module Design Project Update Joan Robinson and Beth Hick

Beth Hick and I have been working on developing an online unit which supports coaches and teachers as they create and share CCSS aligned mathematical performance tasks.  Please visit the beginning of the site at NHPS Math Media Hub.  We have been working on a unit design template which can be found HERE.  Our to "do list" with tasks and completion guidelines can be found HERE.

We look forward to learning as we go along!!!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

How Do I Teach Thee...Let Me Count The Ways

 This week we are looking at the many ways to meet the needs of our students.  
Meeting the needs of diverse learners involves many considerations is my Storify on some tips for differentiation utilizing technology.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Learning By Doing

This week we studied the many connections between school, the "real world" and the internet.  I learned a great deal from my colleagues in the Storify stories about the pros and cons of cloud based learning.  I have a heightened awareness of security measures and considerations that occur around international sharing of cyber information.  The RAS Animate Re-Imagining Work video  inspired me to think about the changing face of the workplace "environment".  

I have decided to do my Storify on the topic of school internships.  I thought about the ideas of John Dewey and experiential education on several occasions this week.  In my personal experience I was able to complete a 1 month internship as a sophomore at Skidmore College.  The experience was invaluable.  I thought I wanted to go public relations and after a month working at GMAC in New York I realized that the field was not for me. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Lesson Design and Examining Student Work

Reflections on the readings and "viewings" I did this week make me think of the STAR Review protocol in NHPS.  I have been reminded about the importance of teachers working together to examine student work to identify understandings and misconceptions.  I have also been reminded of how important it is for students to constantly be exposed to and examine their own work as a means of inspiring high quality work.  It is critical to develop a culture of critiquing for the sake of learning by nurturing respect, trust and community in our classes and schools.

Below is a Storify to document my journey this week.